joi, 24 martie 2011
Assasin's Creed
Assasin's Creed
Click pt a downloada trainer + 10
Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne
Apasati ENTER in timpul jocului dupa care scrieti codurile de mai jos:
Efect Codul
Invincibility and one hit kills whosyourdaddy
Full map Iseedeadpeople
Instant victory allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeat somebodysetusupthebomb
Continue playing after losing in campaign mode strengthandhonor
Cool down thedudeabides
Disable victory conditions itvexesme
Gold; 500 is default keysersoze <number>
Lumber; 500 is default leafittome <number>
Gold and lumber; 500 is default greedisgood <number>
Fast construction warpten
Fast death iocainepowder
Food pointbreak
Fast research whoisjohngalt
Upgrades sharpandshiny
Tech tree unlocked synergy
Set time to morning riseandshine
Set time to evening lightsout
Set time of day daylightsavings <hour>
Toggle daylight progression daylightsavings
Unlimited mana thereisnospoon
Level select motherland <race> <level>
Warcraft 2
Apasati ENTER in timpul jocului dupa care scrieti codurile de mai jos:
Code Efect
On screen - Shows you the whole map
Make it so - Speeds up building and unit production.
It is a good day to die - Makes your units ultra-powerful
Unite the clans - Win the scenario instantly.
Glittering prizes - Increases your resources.
Hatchet - Trees can be cut down with two chops.
Deck me out - Gives you all the weapon/armor upgrades
Every little thing she does - Gives you all spell upgrades.
There can be only one - Takes you to the campaign victory sequence.
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos

Apasati ENTER in timpul jocului dupa care scrieti codurile de mai jos:
Efect Codul
Invincibility and one hit kills whosyourdaddy
Full map Iseedeadpeople
Instant victory allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeat somebodysetusupthebomb
Continue playing after losing in campaign mode strengthandhonor
Cool down thedudeabides
Disable victory conditions itvexesme
Gold; 500 is default keysersoze <number>
Lumber; 500 is default leafittome <number>
Gold and lumber; 500 is default greedisgood <number>
Fast construction warpten
Fast death iocainepowder
Food pointbreak
Fast research whoisjohngalt
Upgrades sharpandshiny
Tech tree unlocked synergy
Set time to morning riseandshine
Set time to evening lightsout
Set time of day daylightsavings <hour>
Toggle daylight progression daylightsavings
Unlimited mana thereisnospoon
Level select motherland <race> <level>
Full map Iseedeadpeople
Instant victory allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeat somebodysetusupthebomb
Continue playing after losing in campaign mode strengthandhonor
Cool down thedudeabides
Disable victory conditions itvexesme
Gold; 500 is default keysersoze <number>
Lumber; 500 is default leafittome <number>
Gold and lumber; 500 is default greedisgood <number>
Fast construction warpten
Fast death iocainepowder
Food pointbreak
Fast research whoisjohngalt
Upgrades sharpandshiny
Tech tree unlocked synergy
Set time to morning riseandshine
Set time to evening lightsout
Set time of day daylightsavings <hour>
Toggle daylight progression daylightsavings
Unlimited mana thereisnospoon
Level select motherland <race> <level>
Empire Earth
Empire Earth 1
Introduceti urmatoarele coduri in joc apasand 'ENTER' :
Codul Efect
my name is methos - Unlock a full map with all resources
all your base are belong to us - Unlock 100,000 of all resources
atm - Unlock 1000 more gold
you said wood - Unlock 1000 more wood
rock&roll - Unlock 1000 more rock
creatine - Unlock 1000 more iron
boston food sucks - Unlock 1000 more food
asus drivers - Unlock Full map
display cheat - View all codes
somebody set up us the bomb - Win game
ahhhcool - Lose game
the big dig - No resources
boston rent - No gold
uh, smoke? - No wood
slimfast - No food
girlyman - No iron
mine your own business - No rock
headshot - Remove the objects from map
bam - Reveal an entire map and remove fog of war
columbus - View fish and animals
i have the power - Restore energy to /Hero/Mana use
brainstorm - Instant building and research
coffee train - Building of all structures completed1
the quotable patella - Free upgrade to lvl.10 for all units
friendly skies - Refuel your planes in mid-air
Empire Earth 2
Introduceti urmatoarele coduri in joc apasand 'ENTER' :
Codul Efect
play god - Toggle God mode
sea monkeys - Toggle instant construction
toggle fog - Toggle fog of war
loot - Additional 10,000 of all resources
give tech - Additional 50 technology points
epoch up - Advance one epoch
convert - Convert selected unit
punish - Give 20 damage points to selected unit recharge me - Recharge power for selected unit win - Win scenario taxes - Lose 100 of all resources idontcheat - Disable all active codes |
Empire Earth 3
Introduceti urmatoarele coduri in joc apasand 'ENTER' :
Codul Efect
- cheat - Enable ability to che
- convert - Convert unit selecte
- era up - Go to next epoc
- give tech - Plus 50 points to Tec
- idontcheat - Disable any active chea
- loot - Gain an additional 10,000 gol
- max pop - Change the capacity of populatio
- play god - Units and structures can't be destroye
- punish - Unit selected loses twenty H
- recharge me - Unit selected regains all powe
- super cheat - Turn off Fog of War, gain lots of gold, building
- taxes - Minus 100 to resource
- toggle fog - Turn Fog of War on or of
- win - Automatically win any scenario
miercuri, 23 martie 2011
Need For Speed
Need For Speed Underground 2

Introduceţi următoarele coduri can apare [Press Enter] înainte ca profilul să se încarce:
regmebaby $1,000 în modul career, RX-8 şi Skyline în modul quick race
ordermebaby $20,000 în modul career
regmybank $2,000 în modul career
needperformance2 Deblochează Performance Upgrades Tier 2
gimmevisual2 Deblochează Visual Upgrades Tier 2
needmybestbuy Deblochează Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl
gottahavebk Deblochează Burger King Sponsor Vinyl
gotmycingular Deblochează Cingular Sponsor Vinyl
gottaedge Deblochează Edge Sponsor Vinyl *
goforoldspice Deblochează Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl
needperformance1 Deblochează Performance Upgrades Tier 1
gimmevisual1 Deblochează Visual Upgrades Tier 1
gimmechingy Artistul Chingy devine sponsor
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Introduceti aceste coduri inainte sa se incarce profilul:
iammostwanted - Unlocked noi de un an
givemethegto - Comunicate de GTO
iammostwanted - Deblocheaza toate maşinile
BurgerKing - Deblocheaza BurgerKing Challenge în seria Challenge
Castrol - Deblocheaza un Ford GT cu anunţuri Castrol
givemethegto - Comunicate de GTO
iammostwanted - Deblocheaza toate maşinile
BurgerKing - Deblocheaza BurgerKing Challenge în seria Challenge
Castrol - Deblocheaza un Ford GT cu anunţuri Castrol
Need For Speed Carbon
Enter these codes on the screen when you 'CLICK TO CONTINUE'. If some codes do not go, you go and write them in 'MAIN MENU':
Code Effect
friendlyheadlocksapplied - unlimited crew charge
nosforeverever - unlimited NOS
slowitdownwhenyouwant - unlimited SpeedBreaker
inthezoneskin - unlocks Autozone Vlinyl
syntecskin - unlocks Castrol Syntec Viny
5grand5grand - unlocks Casrol Cash
shinycarsarethebestcars - unlocks Chrome Cars
cooperlogofreeforyou - unlocks Cooper Tire Logo
chasingmobile - unlocks Corvette Z06
guesswhoisback - unlocks cross Corvette Z06 for the quick race
trashtalking - unlocks Rhino for the quick race
bigredfiredrive - unlocks Fire Trucks for the quick race
speed3foryou - unlocks Mazda Dealership
lotsoffreelogos - unlocks Need For Speed Carbon Logo Vinyls
lotsoffreevinyls - unlocks Need for Speed Carbon Special Logo
watchoutthebigtruckishere - unlocks Dump Truck for the quick race
pharrellvinylgogo - unlocks Pharrell Vinyl
canyonalltheway - unlocks all tracks
givemethechargersrt8 - 2006 Dodge Charger Srt8
givemethedb9 - 2005 Aston Martin DB9
Need For Speed Shift
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